
How Can Sexual Harassment In The Nursing Industry Be Addressed In A Meaningful Way

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Sexual harassment
How can sexual harassment in the nursing industry be addressed in a meaningful way?
1) Definition of sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct, on the basis of gender, that affects a person’s ability to do his or her job (or complete studies), including unwelcome sexual advances, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, and requests for sexual favours. Females make the most claims of sexual harassment through there have been increasing charges of sexual harassment of males .
The original Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination based on race, sex colour, national origin, or religion and protected females against sexual harassment. Through revision (1991) and court decisions, the law has expanded to cover gender bias and harassment against both males and females, including same-sex harassment .
Sexual harassment is not interaction, flirtation or friendship, which is mutual or consensual; it is a type of sex discrimination. Despite being outlawed for over 25 years, sexual harassment remains a problem in Australia. Sexual harassment mostly affects women with 1 in 5 experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace at some time. However, 1 in 20 men also report experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace .
Harassment can be physically, mentally, or sexually. Additionally, sexual harassment can …show more content…

Those particularly at risk of sexual harassment are people with lower qualifications and lower professional positions. However, sexual harassment also occurs with people who have a higher qualification and higher professional positions under complicated circumstances. Those who commit sexual harassment and their victims often know each other well. It can occur between colleagues, supervisors and staff, or between individuals in a position of authority and

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