
How Changes In Mode Of Reproduction Lead To Changes Of Family Size

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In this essay, I will discuss the idea that changes in mode of reproduction lead to changes of family size of the society. Mode of reproduction refers to the use of technology and practices to acquire labor (Al-Madani 2014). The goal of having children is to produce labor in which it will help enhancing the production; however, in history and modern day is somehow different because the infrastructure has been changed which leads to the need for workforce change. For example, in preindustrial farm families, children play an essential role in the workforce for their family, such as: do household chores, gather firewood, carry water, and take care of younger siblings, etc. They can also work for as many hours as an adult works. For instance, a …show more content…

Besides, when children play a role in the workforce, they are objects of adjustment. It means they are considered for their parents to get benefits based on their sex and gender. For example, Indian parents prefer to have boys rather than girls due to males being stronger than females. Moreover, to guarantee that they have at least two strong men in the family, they usually have more children (Harris 1989). However, in some country, females are considered equally as males, which lead to the increase in the need of workforce. Therefore, instead of hiring people, farmers like to have more children to work for them. All examples above lead to the increase in population, which indicates large family size. Today, the mode of reproduction needed to change people's lifestyles is the reduction of childrearing, in which parents have fewer children and provide for all their needs. Professor Al-Madani (2014) mentions that particularly in the U.S. as it change from Industrial to Hyper Industrial labor force is less need and people are heavily rely on the

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