If a person receives multiple concussions it could lead to complications with the brain in the future. Trying to tell if a person received a concussion is very hard to examine and in some case a person could receive multiple concussions without even know it. Although there are some systems developed to analyze a person brain to see if they have received a concussion these systems are not 100% right all the time. Jason then goes on to examine the later affects of getting concussions at a young age. He talks about the possibility of getting diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or a neurodegenerative condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy in the later stages of a person’s life due to these
First concussions are caused from jolts, bumps, and blows to the head. Did you know that 43,000 to 67,000 high schoolers have a concussion per year. Concussions are happening a lot more often dew to fast powerful hits. You might say that helmets should protect you from concussions right, well they do a nice job protecting the exterior but concussions occur inside the cranium.(“Time Magazine”) After that, some of the long term effects are depression, aggression,
A concussion is a tramatic brain injury that alters the way your brain function. Although the effects are usually temporary the effects can be delayed for hours or days and can last days to months. The effects include: headaches, and problems with concentration, memory loss, balance and coordination. Concussions are usually caused caused by a blow to the head or neck or upper part of the body. The cause of a concussion can be from a contact sport, a car accident, or even a kid falling on a playground.
However, it is also important to note that a concussion can also take place outside of sports, meaning it can happen to anybody. For instance, there have been incidents where a person tripped while running, fell, and the impact of their head’s contact with the ground caused a concussion. Or, in a car accident many front-seat passengers, or even the driver, have slammed their heads against the dashboard/steering wheel, also possibly resulting in a concussion. Concussions when treated can be healed in a timely manner. Unfortunately, throughout history, there has been a tendency for people to overlook a concussion as a serious injury, therefore, making it more problematic than it already is.
Concussions are a very serious issue. The doctors and safety officials need to treat it accordingly. Athletes should sit out long enough to allow the brain to heal completely. If a concussion is sustained to a victim at the high school or collegiate level, the patient should be ruled out for the remainder of the game, at least.
Football concussions can lead to brain injuries or other serious health issues that can be fatal. Concussions can happen in many different ways, which all involve big hits to the head. Hard hits to a player's head can cause his or her brain to move in different ways which can cause brain bruising or bleeding. A hard hit to a player’s forehead causes the brain to accelerate in a back and forth motion that can make a player feel nauseous or unstable. If the hit is focussed in the left or right side of a player's forehead it can cause the brain to move in a twisting motion which will leave the player light headed and with a headache.
Although, the number of concussions a player can get is not linked to the extent of brain injury found on the MRI. That shows that it’s not the huge hits that show so much controversy that is the only culprit for brain injury, but also the accumulative effects of many, the little hits are not the hits that actually cause concussions on their own but altogether they are probably just as
We know everything about brain injuries and can come to a harmonious conclusion about them? Well, not exactly, there are a number of questions that still remain, even after thorough research. Does a single concussion or multiple concussions increase the risk of developing CTE or any brain disease, or is it more about the force of the blows? Does a single concussion that overlaps other concussions or separate concussions result in permanent brain damage kind of like those of which have diseases like Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases? Is there a certain amount of hits you can take to the head, or concussions, that could put you at higher risk of developing CTE?
The two potentional congitive impacts of concussions are chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and paranoid disorder. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is found in people who have suffered
A concussion usually comes from a blow to the head that rattles the brain and causes it to swell. “High school and even some college programs lack the resources necessary to protect their players from concussion”(Football).
Professional football presents dangers of concussions, needs to convey awareness regarding these dangers, and to bring the long term effects to light. In the early 21st century, concussions in professional football had become a noticeable health problem and was labeled "The Concussion Crisis. " Professional football concussions contributed too much of the epidemic problem and brings much of the awareness to the public.
In the article “Concussions: How they Can Affect You Now and Later” written by Office of Public Affairs, they say, “At some level, concussions result in a brain injury, so we’re certainly worried about the accumulative affects of concussions.” Some scientists from reading the article say that only people could get a concussion that affect their lives if there is excessive brain damage on the person. Enough damage or a lot of concussions to the brain can affect the brain as a player stops playing or is still playing soccer or a sport that involves the head. Long term concussions will last only about 6 weeks so the probability of a person having concussion affect their lives is very
Also sports players should be educated about concussions so that they do not overlook a concussion thinking it is not a big deal. A concussion is when your body receives a full force impact causing the brain to bounce off the skull which can lead to swelling bruising or bleeding in the brain. Concussions are
The occurrence of such changes within the brain leads it to vulnerability to injury and increased sensitivity. Concussions in athletes are a common scenario, and some instances may pass unnoticed making such cases to be very dangerous. The threshold of concussions is that it does not have an instant effect on a player. Most of the symptoms are gradual and this leads to a damaging effect on players over a period of time without any means of treatment. Most players are ignorant of the
A concussion can be defined as a mild traumatic brain injury caused by excessive impact to the head. The word concussion comes from the Latin word concutere, which means "to shake violently. " The injury is caused by the brain moving forcefully