Persuasive Essay On Concussions

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Within the last few years there has been a drastic increase in the amount of sports related concussions in young adults, but what can be done to prevent them? Concussions can have profound effects on the lives of young adults. Concussions can also lead to chronic headaches, nausea, memory loss, or dizziness. If people do not take the proper precautions with concussions it can affect people for the rest of their lives. To prevent concussions coaches should teach their players to play by the rules and to respect the other players. Also sports players should be educated about concussions so that they do not overlook a concussion thinking it is not a big deal. A concussion is when your body receives a full force impact causing the brain to bounce off the skull which can lead to swelling bruising or bleeding in the brain. Concussions are …show more content…

Helmets, while universal in many contact sports, are a frequent source of controversy because of misconceptions about their protective value (Pennington). A majority of people will argue that helmets prevent concussions and that without them concussions would be extremely more common, as much as that seems to be true it actually doesn’t work that way. Studies have generally indicated that helmets do not protect against many kinds of concussions, although they can help prevent certain kinds of concussions (Pennington), they are more for protecting the skull from cracking. But if helmets do not prevent many kinds of concussions why are they trying to make girl lacrosse players have to wear helmets because of the amount of concussions that the players are getting when the helmets they would be wearing do not even prevent most kinds of concussions? And on top of that girls lacrosse is a non contact sport so would a helmet actually help the amount of concussions decrease or do the refs and coaches have to be more strict about the rules of the