
How Did Abraham Suspend The Writ Of Habeas Corpus?

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Abraham's time as president was a very controversial time where Abraham had to make many hard decisions. One of Abraham's hardest decisions to make was the decision to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. Abraham suspending habeas corpus was a good idea, mainly because the rebellions in the south would have gotten worse if he hadn't made this suspension. The writ of habeas corpus is a law in the constitution that allows a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or court to secure a person's release. Abraham did not want to suspend this law, but he was pretty much forced too.

It states in Article I, Section 9 of the constitution that “the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion …show more content…

John Merryman was a legislator who was caught trying to rally troops together for the Confederate Army. He also cut telegraph wires and destroyed bridges. When he was arrested he immediately demanded to be seen before a judge. Once Abraham heard this, he suspended the right of habeas corpus. After his arrest, he was held captive at Fort McHenry by Union officials.On top of not being able to go before a judge, the official in charge at Ft McHenry even refused to give Merrymans possessions back to him. Federal Judge Roger Taney who at the time was the chief justice of the supreme court, issued a ruling that it wasn't President Lincoln's place to suspend Habeas Corpus. Taney stated that it was the Congress’s job to suspend this right, but Abraham did not have time to wait for the congress.Congress was not in session at the time that the executive decision had to be made, so Abraham had to do what needed to be done. President Lincoln, knowing that this law must be suspended right away, ignored Taney. The rebellions towards the government were just getting worse, and he had to take action. When the Congress did come back into session Abraham made sure that he had there approval to keep this writ suspended. Congress supported his decision, this calmed many people down who were mad at Abraham for the suspension.The suspension of Habeas corpus had a huge impact on our country. Our country at

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