How Did Boo Radley A Sin To Kill A Mockingbird

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Immediately from the outset of the novel, Scout and Dill and the other kids in the neighborhood judge Boo Radley and imagine that he is some sort of “monster” or “boogeyman” just because he is different and does not come out much in public. Just based on what they have heard or imagine about Boo, Scout races past his house as if her life depended on it. She did not take the time to get to know him at all until he saved her life at the end of the story when Authur “Boo” Radley saves her land Jem’s lives does Scout see him as a human being and realize that he is actually a good guy. In the end, Scout even likens Boo to the “mockingbird” that her father told her it was a sin to kill because it hurts no one when she hugs her dad and thanks him