How Did Brown V Board Of Education Affect The Civil Rights Movement

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Since the beginning 1600’s black minorities have been pushed around, hurt, and used for others benefit. Picking cotton for the white man as a profit that doesn't benefit them in anyway for years then fighting a war to protect a country that doesn't respect them as a person. They have been discriminated against because of the color of their skin and have been viewed as people that will never be of higher status no matter what happens. This becoming more of a huge problem in the late forties and early fifties during The Civil Rights Movement. Especially when it came for African Americans to get decent education but causes problem for the racist schools in the south and parents that did not want their kids around African Americans. From the …show more content…

Brown v Board of education is known as one of the greatest Supreme Court decisions made. This case held the racial segregation of children in public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14 Amendment. The decision did not entirely succeed in thoroughly desegregating public education in the United States, but it did put the Constitution on the side of racial equality and provoked the promising civil rights movement into a full revolution. Large portions of the United States had racially segregated schools which was made legal by Plessy v Ferguson in 1896, which said that segregated public facilities were equal as long as the black and white facilities were equal to each …show more content…

This movement had just begun when the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public transportation unconstitutional after the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. This boycott all started when a woman named Rosa Parks decided to sit in the seat that was meant for whites. She didn't intend to start such an uprising but by accident she did. She ended up getting arrested for not following the law like she was supposed and this caused more of a uproar from all African Americans who couldn't stand the inequality that was happening around them. This boycott lead to Martin Luther King becoming a national leader, even a symbol for these African Americans who were sick of the way they were being treated. Which lead to Dr. King organizing the SCLC(Southern Christian Leadership Conference) there mission being to preach about non violent protests. Which later on down the road gets violent as the white people try to suppress this movement that African Americans were doing for equal rights. Doing all types of protests to get the message across that they will not settle no longer for the disrespect that they are getting from not being treated as anyone