Puritan Pros And Cons

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In 1620, when the New World was an exciting new place full of new freedoms and opportunities, a group known as the Puritans made the journey from England in order to purify the Anglican church as well as gain economic opportunities that were present in America. John Winthrop lead the first group of Puritans to the new world in order to create a “city upon the hill”, a beacon of light in attempt to spread the word of Christ. They settled in Boston and by 1643 there were 20,000 Puritans in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and more to come. Puritan beliefs began to spread rapidly and have influence on the developing colonies. Many Puritan ideals spread throughout the New England colonies and are also seen in present day American culture. From the …show more content…

Another large economic advantage was the close proximity to the ocean which allowed the colonists to become proficient in ship building. The Puritans became very adamant traders and made their money in that manner. Trade became a very important aspect of economical growth because, due to the rock soil, farming was not an extremely practical means of survival, therefore the people of the Massachusetts Bay Colony depended on trade to provide the goods that were vital to daily life. This concept of widespread trade became very prevalent in the surround New England colonies, as it was a way to increase the diversity of the goods being brought into the communities. Trade with the Native Americans also became very popular for those colonies who were on good terms with the Natives. Trade became a very important part of life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony as well as the developing New England Colonies. This is also true for America today. The importing and exporting of goods is one of the main means of economical growth and development in The United States. The impact that trade had on developing New England colonies was a very positive one because new goods and ideas were introduced to the colonies. Trade is an impactful tool which was prevalent on the Massachusetts Bay Colony and is still a major contributor to the well being of the American