Why Did So Many Colonists Come To America

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In the 1500’s England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and formed its own church called the Church of England. However, the Pilgrims didn’t want to follow the new church. As a result, they were persecuted and harassed by followers of the new Church of England. For this reason, the Pilgrims and Puritans came specifically to America to practice their religious beliefs and to spread the gospel. The Pilgrims were a group of Puritans (English Protestants) who wanted to escape religious persecution in England. The Pilgrims migrated to Holland and then relocated to Massachusetts, in the New World. Therefore, the Pilgrims were able to survive in the New World or home by becoming friends with the Wampanoag Indians, who demonstrated them how …show more content…

Religious Persecution is one of the most important reasons of why colonists came to America. During that time, England had developed an unstable economy. Inflation had grown and as a result, poverty grew because people weren't able to afford things. Colonists chose to seek new sources of economic success in the New World. However, those were not the only reasons why colonists came to America. Rulers (emperors) wanted people to travel to the New World because that would eventually expand the rulers empire to include new land and new settlements as well. Colonists came to America to have a substantially better life, religious freedom, and a superior economic …show more content…

England had developed an unstable economy, inflation had grown and as a result, poverty grew. Colonists chose to seek new sources of economic success in the New World. The following article explains that, “The need for job’s demanded people for work, and guaranteed them with pay. With the joint stock company, and the Virginia Company and others like that, the Europeans who came here in search of land for homes and a new start, in essence got what they needed” (Reasons for Settlement of North America: Religion, Politics & Economics). The new colonies succeeded with the trade, exports and imports. People in England needed imports from the colonies. The colonies put out many exports, and expanded their resources and economy. As a result, the economic value of land was highly important. If a colony settled on fertile land and was able to produce cash crops from it, the money could be rewarding. This gave all a chance, required no skill, except manual hard labor. This inspired many and made them look for new land and a new economic