How Did Chris Mccandless Go To Into The Wild

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Chris McCandless was your typical college student, very fortunate family had the eligibility of going to many very great schools. The movie Into the Wild follows the life of McCandless, giving a better understanding of his life and his decisions,as well his rise to becoming Alexander Supertramp, but everyone ask why did he venture out into the wild?, even though he wasn't very bush like, he also had many opportunities to have profitable career so why did he decide to leave society, why did he leave all of his opportunities?. McCandless decided to hit life head first, he left everything burned his money, also gave it to charity,cut all of his credit cards and only had the check his parents had written out to him, also McCandless decided to …show more content…

To add on that's why for some he became such an idle because he went against some people, although he ended his own life by starvation. he did what he wanted and nowadays that's all people want to do is do what they want but everyone is scared to step out of their comfort zone their conforming when they don't want to. Now for you as your own person would you feel the need to go so far just to experience life?, would this be the route you would …show more content…

there was other ways to get close to life and experience such an empowering environment. their several things chris should have done to avoid his very own death, if he really wanted to. One thing for sure he could've left a note to let his parents know, but now there's a problem with that, he probably didn't want to leave a note because he didn't want anyone to worry about him. he wanted to experience his journey by himself with no worries of anybody trying to find him or just anyone to even worry about him, but i don't think he should've taken this route as much as he didn't want to be found i don't think he would've been either way, the least he could've done was stop everyone's worrying by saying something at least maybe a call when he was out in his journey. with that said he was successful at not being apart of