
How Did Cianci Influence The City Of Providence

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Vincent Cianci also commonly known as “Buddy” is a former two-term mayor of Providence Rhode Island. He is a very charming and ambitious man. He is known for his accomplishments and the love he has for the City of Providence. Buddy is a people’s person who enjoys attending community events. He spends majority of his time doing public services for the city. But this major has had two administrations cut short due to felony convictions yet the people still want their notorious major Buddy in office. But others think it’s unbelievable and unacceptable for him to a felony running for major. This is a huge controversial fixture of Providence politics. Buddy had attended prep school and always stood out. Many classmates believe he was a natural …show more content…

This paper will focus on the rise and fall of Buddy Cianci, America's most notorious mayor. It is important to know the history of the City of Providence to understand the impact Cianci has had on it. During the mid-1920 industrials had closed down in the city and the city took a great lost with The Great Depression. It was not a nice place to live at this time. Providence was notorious for bastion of organized crime. Many mafias and drug lords ruled the city. A large criminal enterprise was being run from the city for over three decades and murders and kidnapping became the norm. Then the Renaissance happens in the 1970’s. U.S donated a large amount of local and national community funds were invested in the town. Cianci ran for mayor and right way began to change the City of Providence around. He worked on cleaning the streets of gangs and drugs. When he won in 1974, on an anti-corruption platform, Cianci was the first Republican elected to lead the city since John Collins won election in 1938. Cianci is known for changing Providence around during the Renaissance time. He is also is the first Italian major and youngest major to run in Providence. He ran for re-election in 1982 as an independent. Many consider him the Prince of Providence (Wilson, Reid …show more content…

For nearly a quarter of a century, Cianci dominated this uneasy melting pot. During his first administration, twenty-two political insiders were convicted of corruption. In 1984, Cianci resigned after pleading guilty to felony assault, for torturing a man he suspected of sleeping with his estranged wife. In 1990, in a remarkable comeback, Cianci was elected mayor once again; he went on to win national acclaim for transforming a dying industrial city into a trendy arts and tourism mecca. But in 2001, a federal corruption probe dubbed Operation Plunder Dome threatened to bring the curtain down on Cianci once and for all. He was planning to run for an unprecedented seventh term in 2002 before he was indicted on 27 charges ranging from bribery to extortion. He was found guilty of a single charge of racketeering and sent to prison for five years. Despite the convictions, 53 percent of Providence voters have a favorable impression of Cianci, the poll found, and only 37 percent held an unfavorable impression. (Ramous,Nestor

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