How Did Davy Crockett Joined The Texas Revolution

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Davy Crockett was born on August 17,1786. Davy was famous in Texas as a frontiersman, a United States politician and a soldier. He was very successful as a politician. When the Texas Revolution broke out he absolutely didn't want to have anything to do with the Texas Revolution. The only reason Davy ever crossed the border between the United States of America and Mexico(Texas at that time was not yet considered their own country) was because all that Davy wanted to do was to explore the northern region of Mexico that later was known as Texas. Davy joined the the Texas Revolution because he thought Texas had a bright future and because he wanted to live in Texas. Like most Texans at that time he wanted the United States to annex Texas. When Davy joined the Texas Revolution the Texans wanted to give Davy a high rank in the Texan Army. Davy decided to not accept their offer and instead was a Private in the Texan army. Davy was stationed in the Alamo under the command of William B. Travis who had taken the Alamo from the Mexican Army, however William later disobeyed orders to retreat from the Alamo because, even though there was a large number of forces coming from Mexico Travis felt that the Alamo was a very important area and …show more content…

When the Mexicans gave all of the Texan defenders of the Alamo a chance to surrender Davy and the other Texans refused and shot their cannon to show that they refused to surrender to the Mexican forces. Travis sent out many messengers to deliver a message to other Texans to help by giving reinforcements to Travis, However Travis received little reinforcements and in the end all of the Texans who defended the Alamo died except William Travis's slave who said many things about what happened at the Alamo and most of our information on the siege of the Alamo is based of what Travis's slave said about the