How Did Deng Xiaping Change Chinese Society

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Prior to the reforms of Deng Xiaoping, Chinese society experienced economic stagnation and widespread famine caused in part by Mao's great leap forward and the cultural revolution From 1960-1978, illegal business enterprises, inefficient state enterprises, and failed economic policies contributed to a society in which there were no winners. The one group to partially benefit from the Maoist era were the rural administrators and owners of the state businesses because they could extract rents and take for themselves the fruits of the farmer's as taxes. Post-1978, Deng's reforms changed Chinese society and created both winners and losers in the urban space. The impact of the urbanization reforms pursued by the Chinese government following the ascension of Deng Xiaoping as premier benefited the entrepreneurial and urban middle classes because of the growth in new business opportunities and the legalization of existing illegal business enterprises created a climate conducive to the growth of a startup sector and the number of clerical based roles also increased which further provided employment and advancement opportunities to the burgeoning middle class. …show more content…

The communist party workers however as a whole did not benefit nor suffer from the urbanisation reforms. Though the powers they wielded over the development of industry, commerce and urban planning decreased as a result of the dual track structure of the Chinese reform. Within the party cadres, the group hardest hit by the reforms were the owners of State enterprises while those least affected were the groups in charge of the administration of the urban centres and economic planning. Overall the impacts of the Urban economic reforms on Chinese society were both positive and

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