
How Did Donald Trump Use Twitter

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Twitter is a type of social media where an individual can type small messages which are only a maximum of 140 characters. This could be a positive thing in the current society, people have very small attention spans and are not willing to read more than a couple sentences, even if it comes from a celebrity. Donald Trump is someone who frequently uses twitter and has a large audience, in fact, he has been criticized for using twitter too often as a president. Social media and interacting with other people through technology could become addictive as you begin trying to please your audience. Audrey’s mother in the Turkle’s book, Alone together, witnesses this happen to her mother as she begins to ignore real life interactions with her daughter. …show more content…

Donald Trump knows that his audience has a short attention span, and because of that, he writes his tweets in a way where a third grader could read them. People do not want to invest their time and attention into some long paragraph with complicated words that they need to look up. This can be seen in Turkle as well “They avoid voice communication outside of a small circle because it demands their full attention when they don’t want to give it” (188). In order to accomplish this, Donald Trump writes many short sentences within his short tweet. His tweets normally contain one large sentence, followed by a couple small sentences to summarize what he had said such as “Senator Luther Strange has gone up a lot in the polls since I endorsed him a month ago. Now a close runoff. He will be great in D.C.” Not only does he change his diction to reach his audience, but he also uses a low vocabulary in order to ensure everyone is able to read his text. He uses these low vocabulary words to create small phrases that he repeats over and over again that people now relate back to Donald trump. Words such as crooked, media, and bias are words that are like a rampant disease in his twitter. These words are everywhere and if you were to hear these words, you might just think of Trump. Repeating these words over and over again will influence the reader and Trump makes a name out of himself using his twitter. Trump also uses a large amount of exclamation points in his twitter. This makes his tweets sound more positive and supportive. Not only does it make him seem more positive but it also makes him seem more confident with the way he talks, stating opinions as if they are facts with an exclamation

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