How Did Egyptian Civilization Was The Most Successful

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Introduction The Egyptian civilization was the most successful ancient civilization. They were the most successful because they built buildings that withstood the forces of nature for thousands of years without using machines or modern day technology. The second reason that they were the most successful is that they found a way to preserve bodies in pyramids for thousands of years and were even able to preserve finger nails and hair. The final reason why the Egyptians were the most successful is that they had great inventions that have influenced many of our inventions today. Technology Pyramids The first reason was that they were the most successful civilization is that the were able to build immense structures hundreds of feet tall without using any modern machinery. One of those structures was the pyramid. The largest of those pyramids is the pyramid of King Khufu. There is over 2.3 million blocks in his pyramid and each block weighed 2 tons. The pyramid would have to stand-up to floods that would reach half the height of the pyramid. It took thousands of people to build the pyramids and each builder was well respected and was given a respectable grave once they had died. They were not slaves though, …show more content…

They invented the first plow, which allowed them to dig trenches. Farmers still use plows today to farm. One of the biggest farming inventions was irrigation. When the Egyptian invented irrigation, it allowed them to farm when it wasn’t rainy season. They would build trenches to hold and carry water to their crops. This allowed them to have food all year long, and even a surplus of it. If they had more than enough they could have an effective trade system with other civilizations for items, Egyptians couldn’t make. Farmers still use irrigation today to produce for the whole world. They Egyptians also invented ships. Farmers today use ships for trade. Countries also use ships for military