
How Did Ella Baker Influence The Civil Rights Movement

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The Civil Rights Movement has become a major part of history in the United States of America’s. It is an event and period of time that is taught and told in the present day as a remarkable accomplishment. This was the time when, through non-violent protesting, the diminishment of racial segregation was fought for and achieved. There are a couple important figures that are most popular when discussing this movement. Martin Luther King Jr played a major role in this act, using his strong Christian beliefs to push for social change. Bayard Rustin may also be a familiar name, for he co-founded, along with Mr. King, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. This group helped organize protests to fight for their rights. Rosa Parks, the woman …show more content…

Ella Baker had a strong passion for the movement because her grandmother, like many others, were part of slavery. Baker grew up with her grandmother so she grew up learning and understanding the wrongs of slavery and racism. As an adult, Ella participated in several protests and co-funded different organizations that would raise money and awareness to end Jim Crow laws in the South. Ella Baker believed that the key to their freedom is voting. Voting allows people to have a voice in what their country needs and to fix current problems. With this as her core belief for change, Ella joined the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee). This organization’s goal was to bring national attention to racism throughout the country and to continue the registration of black voters. With the votes of the black people demanding change was another step closer to their voices being heard and actions being taken to change society. Along with her passion for racial justice, she also unknowingly became an important figure to women of colour. When Baker wanted to voice her ideas and opinion to the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) the men of the group did not listen or give her the attention she was asking for. They dismissed her presence but she did not accept that. She did not agree with their ideas just because the leader (who happened to be MLK) had suggested them. She was not intimidated by these men and did whatever she could so that her voice would be heard and understood. She stood her ground and gained respect as a women of colour by being consistent and prominent in her work and not taking no for an

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