
How Did European Culture And Religion Influence The Rise Of The Byzantine Empire

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Christians believed that they had to have the sacraments in order to achieve salvation.
Europeans started to use city charters. They got the idea from the Muslim merchants that they traded with.
Claim of papal supremacy: meant the pope had authority over all kings and emperors
The serfs remained on the land to serve the new lord when the ownership of the manor was granted to a new lord.
The Truce of God: Christian nobles weren’t allowed to fight between Friday and Sunday each week.
Western Europe was attacked from the sea by Vikings and the last threads of unity in Charlemagne’s empire were broken.
In the manor system, the peasants had to stay on the land for life.
King Clovis converted to Christianity, the religion of the people in Gaul, which helped him to rule his conquered lands. …show more content…

After the Reconquista, Queen Isabella launched a crusade against Jews and Muslims.
Christian knights captured Jerusalem in the First Crusade.
The crusade was to try and regain the Holy Land.
Gothic architecture has spires, tall windows, flying buttresses.
The Hundred Years’ War helped French kings expand their power.
Henry II established English common law. It helped broaden the system of royal justice.
The Byzantine empire had the strongest military force while under the rule of Justinian.
“Body of Civil Law” was what Justinian was best remembered for.
There was a bitter battle between eastern and western Christianity when religious icons were banned by a Byzantine emperor.
Venetian merchants gained control of the Byzantine trade. This helped cause the Byzantine empire to decline.
The blended cultures of the Slavs and Vikings helped cause the development of Kiev and its culture.
The Byzantine church became known as the Eastern Orthodox Church after the Great Schism.
Medieval Russian traders usually reached Byzantine through rivers running from the north to

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