
How Did European Imperialism Affect Africa

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European Imperialism affected many people and many things such as regions the people that live in, the country's, the type of places that have the most of a race, and the type of religion that people choose. By 1914 all of the Imperial Powers controlled almost or even more of 70 percent of the land. There was no point in history of the world that there has been an empire as powerful as the British Empire during the 19th and early 20th century. Great Britain's navy and merchant ships and groups were the crazy the the most powerful of the whole wide world back then. The Industrial Revolution made it that Europe was way stronger and richer than the undeveloped world. “How did it affect Africa?” people may ask. Well a huge part as that …show more content…

It was isolated and closed from the rest of the world and refused to use western ways. The Chinese allowed people and companies trade but only at the Port of Canton, and where the rights of European merchants were at the edge of the emperor. Imperialism in China was started with the First Opium War, which was 1839 through 1842. It was when the Chinese government had tried to stop the British from importing opium. Opium is a very addictive drug that ruined many people's lives, and it was destroying the economy. This resulted in a war in which Britain’s superior military and industrial easily destroyed the Chinese all of their military forces. The Treaty of Nanking, which was in 1842, opened up five ports to the British, and that gave Britain the island of Hong Kong. It also forced China to pay a large fee. China was soon forced to open up eleven more treaty ports that gave special privileges to Britain, such as the right to trade with the interior of China, and the right to supervise the Chinese custom offices in 1858. Foreigners also received the right of …show more content…

The people in the group were a secret Chinese nationalist group gained by the Manchu government. Their goal was to kill and drive out all of the foreigners and restore and remake or rebuild China back to isolation like it was. June 1900 the Boxers created a series of attacks against foreigners and Chinese Christians. The Boxers also attacked the foreigners in Beijing. The imperialistic powers sent a force that had about 25,000 troops to destroy the rebellion, and it helped because ended within two weeks. The Boxer Rebellion was a big fail, but it did indeed convinced the Chinese that reforms were necessary. Also inn 1911 revolutions broke out across the country, and the Manchu emperor was overthrown. Soon Dr. Sun Yat-Sen that was the father of modern China, he also claimed that a republic was soon needed, and he was named the new president. He soon made a three-point program of nationalism. It was supposed to free China from imperial control. He wanted a democracy to elected government officials, and livelihood to adapting Western industrial and agricultural methods. The Chinese republic faced many problems and for the next thirty-seven years. And China would be continue to be at war with itself, and it also had foreign

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