The Korean War Chart
Somebody ... Wanted ... But ... So ...
North Korea Wanted to make sure the Korean peninsula into a
Communist nation United states and nation Stopped them The Chinese joined the war on the Korean side and pushed the united states and nation back to the 38th parallel line
General MacArthur To win china over before they became communist with the soviet union Wasn’t allowed to be a general anymore and he was ordered to stay the 20 mile mark We stayed away from china for the most part and failed to get them to become democracy
President Truman To stop soviet expansion , the war, and the spread of communsim Americans didn’t want to go to war The war ended in a statement
China To stay in the “safe zone” that way there were no interruptions in their reconstruction They feared that the united states would break into china if the us and south Korean were allowed into war China planned a surprise attack and defeated American troops
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How did General Douglas MacArthur react to the events in Korea? What was his stance on the Korean War? McAurther was determined to win. He did not see the early reverses of the war which concerned Korean and us forces into Pusan as a “second Dunkirk” and was firmly convicted that victory was still possible eventually ordering the amphibious landings at Inchon behind the front to cut off all the enemy’s supplies it was a difficult operation that worked in threatening to cut off north Korean forces attacking in the south, forcing them into retreat.
2. How did President Truman respond to the events in Korea? What was his stance on the Korean War? President Truman assigned General Douglas MacArthur as the leader of the UN