How Did Gospel Music Affect African American Culture

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I used to go, every Thursday at 7:30 p.m., to choir rehearsal and, while there I would sing praises to God along with other choir members, It never appealed to anyone to ask about the origin of these songs and how Gospel music came to us. We just sang what we were taught to sing. Well, one day while in choir rehearsal, I decided to ask about the origin of Gospel music. My choir director shouted, “It comes from black folks’ soul.” After he said this, I decided to research more about the origin of Gospel music and found out that African Americans started it and that it is then a music that African Americans feel, experience and sing. When African Americans sing Gospel music, it comes from deep within. It comes from the soul and from experience. It is thus, this experience of Gospel music by African Americans that I will discuss …show more content…

It became easier for the slaves to practice their religion and by that also their music. Also, the number of black churches in the South grew through rapidly during the Reconstruction Era. As the number of churches group, the slaves brought with them their music and their spirituals into their churches and filled their services with inspiring and uplifting congregational songs. The black church became a school of music which came to produce several talented musicians as well as taking the development of music even further. With the development of Spirituals in the evolvement of the black church, the first musical foundations were now laid for what eventually came to generate into what we know what we know today as Gospel music. During the decades following the end of the Civil War, the black holiness and Pentecostal churches of the South brought about a slow but firm transformation of the music form with the advent of the Great Migration to northern cities of Chicago and New York. In the aftermath of World War 1, the creation of Gospel music was