How Did Harriet Tubman Contribute To Freedom

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Would you risk your life to help other people escape crucial conditions when you wanted, like Harriet Tubman?Harriet Tubman was an African American who was the conductor of the Underground Railroad and was widely known for helping slaves gain their freedom. Harriet Tubman played an important role both during and after the Civil War. Even though she was a hero born into slavery, she helped slaves escape and was known to stand up as a slave activist.Harriet Tubman changed her name from Araminta to Harriet, to take after her mom."Although called Araminta as a child, she later chose her moms name. Laboring as a field slave through her teenage years, she developed the muscular build physical endurance and deep religious faith that became her trademarks." …show more content…

"Harriet was given a piece of paper by a white abolitionist neighbor with two names, and told how to find the first house on her path to freedom." (back to the African American History) Harriet escaped and came back to help her people escape, that says something about her courage and personality. "So she went back up North. Harriet went to Garrett's house and found there were more runaways, to rescue than anticipate. That did not stop her though. She gave a baby a sedative so he would not cry and took the passengers to Pennsylvania." (back to the African American History) Harriet Tubman was the conductor of the underground railroad known as