
Harriet Tubman Research Paper

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Harriet Tubman is a substantial part of American history. Harriet was an American slave that escaped from slavery in the South and later served as an abolitionist before the American Civil War. Harriet was best known for her courageous conducting skills through the Underground Railroad. Tubman not only escaped slavery in the South, but she helped hundreds of other slaves escape to freedom. Harriet Tubman was born in around the 1820's into an enslaved family. Her exact birthday is unknown because at the time there was no documentation for the birth of a slave. Harriet was born in Dorchester County, Maryland, under the name of Araminta Harriet Ross, but later changed her name to Harriet after her late mother. She was often called "Minty" by her parents and eight siblings. Harriet's life as a child was horrifying, physical violence was an everyday experience for their family. At the age of five, three of Tubman's sisters were sold and her family was left devastated. At the age of six Harriet was a house servant and at the age of seven she became a field worker. In her late teens Harriet …show more content…

5 years later, Harriet feared that she would be sold like so many slaves before her, that she decided to run away. Once it was night she set out on foot, leaving behind her husband, parents, siblings, and her whole entire life. Harriet followed the North Star during the night and hid during the day. Harriet went to Pennsylvania and later moved to Philadelphia. In Philadelphia she found work and started to save her money. In 1845, Harriet returned to Maryland and guided her sister and her sister's children to freedom. Harriet then made the bold decision to go back to the South, and bring her brother and two other slaves into free country. On Harriet's third return she went after her husband, John, only to find out that he had moved on, so she found others slaves seeking freedom and brought them

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