How Did Hernan Cortes React To The Spanish And Aztec War

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Hernan Cortes, a Spanish conquistador, had come to the land owned by the Aztec in the year of 1519. The Spanish coming to the land resulted in the take over of land from the Aztecs by the Spanish. Moctezuma, the emperor of the Aztec people, was also killed during the war between the Spanish and the Aztecs. The first reason that triggered the war was the beliefs of the Aztecs. They made the mistake of welcoming Cortes into their land, and to him as a god. Secondly, the Spanish were more advanced in the military than the Aztec. Such as, Spanish had horses and. Thirdly, the Aztecs were more knowledgeable than them since the Aztecs already knew that some enemy was coming to their land and that they knew that this would happen. Overall, the defeat