
How Did Humans Influence The Aztec Society

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The Civilization with the biggest influence on modern day mexico
The Aztec civilization was in modern day lower north america, or mexico today, They thrived during the time with many advances that lead to a thriving culture and economic powerhouse during the time. Located in modern day Mexico City with the modern day city still sharing and using many of the canals and temples that were used long ago by the aztecs. The Aztecs showed a hugely complex social system with classes and a complex religious belief system. One of the main things people know the Aztecs for is that they would religiously comply with human sacrifices for harvest and many other reasons. Gods during the time had a huge impact on the Aztecs daily life. The Aztecs were …show more content…

Obisionion during the time was a greatly converted stone as it was believed to have religious and spiritual properties that could help anyone with any task, Obsidian was used in many different things from cutting and chillising stone to human sacrifice. The Aztecs believed that human sacrifice would help continue the sun's movement and the growth of crops during the time. Obsidian could also be used to make a mirror that was greatly used during rituals and practices. (“Aztec calendar”) (“Aztec …show more content…

With the stone calendar and new farming methods, the Aztecs had to work hard to invent ways to better their (IMAGE 2) growing seasons and farm land that wasn't always fertile.
Another popular food/delicacy that was a important part of aztec culture was chocolate, From using the beans for making chocolate to eat or to using the beans as a currency, this shows the unique way in which the use of a plant was used as currency in early society when other forms of currency wasn't fully planned out

Amatl paper was a popular choice of writing paper in aztec society, Unlike modern paper this was more of a bark, This bark paper is used by aztecs to write down information or to draw, This paper was a important way for aztecs to copy and preserve their society and

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