How Did Ida B Wells Change The Image Of Black Women

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A Civil Rights advocate, feminist, publisher, “American hero”, and African American Journalist. Ida B. Wells was a very intelligent and brave young woman. The US postal office is looking for the next person to be featured on the stamp. Not just any person though, people who have had a positive change and more. They narrowed down their choices between Ida B Wells and Bessie Coleman. Ida B. Wells deserves the honor to be on the stamp because she changed the views on women of color, protected them, and positively impacted their history.
How did Barnett-Wells change the image of black women? In 1909 Wells-Barnett attended a meeting for the organization NAACP where she later became the owner. This organization was made to address …show more content…

Wells wrote many articles about the issues of race and politics in black newspapers. She was very good at her job and the owner of two newspapers, “The Memphis Free Speech” and “Headlight and Free Speech” (U.S. National Park Service). She covered about 728 cases in 8 years about the lynchings in the south. Wells-Barnett was not the kind of woman to back down from a challenge, she never failed to get her point across. She risked her life as a woman of color just to gather information. In Wells' own words, it shows that she's confident in the effect she's had on women's rights (National Park …show more content…

She leaned into a full-time career in journalism, and eventually became the first female co-owner and editor of a black newspaper ( Wells inspired many women by just becoming the first female to do such things. She showed women to rise above and fight for themselves and what they believe in. That's a huge accomplishment, especially with the racist times they were living in. In her role with the National Equal Rights League, Wells-Barnett called on President Woodrow Wilson to end discriminatory hiring practices in the government. Wells-Barnett was very brave and cared so much about her race. She deserves to be on the stamp significantly more than Bessie Coleman. Wells co-founded the Alpha Suffrage Club and the NACW Club. Which addressed political activism and promoted Black candidates (OHS U). Wells promoted a lot of things involving women's rights. Going up against Ida B. Wells was challenging because of all the accomplishments these women