How Did Imperialism Affect Australia

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Africa, Polynesia, and Australia were filled with indigenous dark skinned people. They were under the control of foreign white people. 90.4% of Africa, 98% of Polynesia, and 100% of Australia. Imperialism is when one country takes over another, they take control of Natives life styles and take advantage of them. Imperialists take over other countries government as well. Although some people believe that imperialism brought education and school to help the world, it is actually true that imperialism was not beneficial for the world because Europeans changed the culture of natives and brought many deaths to the human population.

Imperialism benefit the world by bringing schools to improve education. “Many people in the industrialized nations …show more content…

For example, “An even greater troll was taken by disease: various lung and intestinal diseases, tuberculosis, smallpox, and, above all, sleeping sickness” ( King Leopold II and the Congo, 4). When the Europeans took over Africa they brought many diseases to their country that decreased the natives population heavily. Not only did the imperialists bring diseases but they brought wars. These wars tore nations apart as they fought over certain countries. “Spanish-American War, (1898), conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America” ( The Editors of Encyclopedia, 1). Imperialism and taking over countries for the imperialists benefit caused war. One of those wars was the Spanish-American war. They fought over cuba treating natives poorly and forced them to work in slave like conditions. Many natives died due to imperialism.In addition, Imperialism endangered the Natives lives as they took advantage of their country. For example, “An even greater troll was taken by disease: various lung and intestinal diseases, tuberculosis, smallpox, and, above all, sleeping sickness” ( King Leopold II and the Congo, 4). When the Europeans took over Africa they brought many diseases to their country that decreased the natives population heavily. Not only did the imperialists bring diseases but they brought wars. These wars tore nations apart as they fought over certain countries. “Spanish-American War, (1898), conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America” ( The Editors of Encyclopedia, 1). Imperialism and taking over countries for the imperialists benefit caused war. One of those wars was the Spanish-American war. They

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