How Did Italian Americans Contribute To The Unification Of Italy

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When considering Italy after its formation as nation-state in the late 19th century, it has never been required to change by other countries. However, throughout the entire history Italian territory has faced many invasion and battles which have influenced it. But unfortunately, this country has also been involved in cruel events for the purpose of conquering new lands. Some of the most recent terrible actions done by this country were the conquest of African colonies during the Fascism. Indeed, the purpose of these mission in Africa were to destroy other countries such as Libya and Eritrea in order to provide benefits to Italians. Conversely, Native Americans were very kind and friendly to people. During the first encounter with New World, Native Americans kindly welcomed Europeans in their home lands. Additionally, thanks to the native people many of the Europeans were able survive in the new environment. Unfortunately, the gentleness of these persons was immediately considered as weakness. Indeed, as stated in Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Christopher Columbus kidnapped some of the Native Americans and brought them to Spain so they could be introduced to white man’s way (Brown, pg.291). After that, all the native populations of the New World started to face a dramatic turn for their lives. Their populations began to decline drastically because of several factors such as violence and diseases spread by the colonizers. …show more content…

In People’s History of the United States (Perennial Library, 1980), Howard Zinn mentioned Christopher Columbus as saying, “They would make fine servants”. This shows the methods adopted by Europeans towards these innocent people. As a consequence, around three million of Native Americans lost their lives due to war, labor and slavery during the first 15 years after 1942 (Discovering the Truth about Columbus,