How Did Jackie Robinson Contribute To The Civil Rights Movement

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Jackie Robinson fought to end segregation, and the rights for all people through many different ways. The most recognized and probably the biggest thing he did was transform all sports through being the first African American to play professional baseball. This did not only stop discrimination in baseball but this helped stop discrimination in all sports together. After his impact on baseball he wasn't done there, he join the National Association for the advancement of colored people. He became the chairman for the freedom fund and later raised over a million dollars. Jackie Robinson devoted his life to the civil rights movement by breaking the color barrier, transforming the face of sports, his work as an activist to stop segregation, and make the country the best it could be. Jackie Robinson was born in Cairo …show more content…

Robinson's life was devoted in ending segregation by playing the sport he loved most of all. By overcoming all the challenges on the baseball field from his teammates to the fans in the crowd booing him. He became the face of baseball and the person who changed the game for ever. After baseball he wasn't done there he became a great civil rights leader and helped many African Americans overcome challenges. When the bank was not treating the Africans fairly he stepped in by founding the free national bank which helped a ton of people out and made the bank fair for everyone. Another important thing he did was he spoke to many groups as a spokesman and many people listened, because of how famous he was and what he had done to the country. He also became the chairman for the freedom fund and later raised over a million dollars for the black community. Jackie Robinson devoted his life to the civil rights movement by breaking the color barrier, transforming the face of sports, his work as an activist to stop segregation, and make the country the best it could