How Did Jazz Affect The 1920's

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Music is a creation that can greatly impact us, both physically and mentally, it’s aspects can change your emotions like a switch, sad to happy in a second. There are also tons of different types of music, all of which give you a different reaction. R&B gives you a calming feeling, rock music let you feel a rebellious side, and electronic music makes you want to go wild. Most people understand how most of the different types of music helps you, but jazz is the one type of music that not a lot comprehend. The best option there was to understand the effects of jazz was to research the results jazz caused with it' creation. With that intent, the 1920s or most widely known as the Roaring Twenties, a time of great change for the American people …show more content…

From the inquiries made there was one central claim, that as much as jazz gave positive consequences it was also detrimental to the American populace.
To decide if my claim was right, multiple types of sources that brought light to if the accusation was right, wrong, or somewhere in the middle. The first source used was ”Body and Soul” by Scott Appelrouth, it was a research paper that talked about how Jazz affected the 1920s. This was a great source that gave a clear insight into the effects of jazz. The first way it helped research was to give a more precise version of what music can do to a being. As quoted, “Music has the capacity to ‘move’ listeners both literally and figuratively by evoking physical, emotional, and intellectual responses to its sounds” (Body and Soul). People can see this as good or bad by how they react to this, but it's interpreted from many sides. On one side of the coin, this could inspire a person to do good, improve their lives, work to a goal they have yet to achieve. The other side is that it could cause negative emotions in a person to arise, someone who wanted to cause harm to another one …show more content…

One of the social effects were races fighting over if they created jazz or not. African-Americans see it as it was their creation, but they are other points of views. Some white people said they created it, but black people saw it more like they stole it while others say that no one race created it. Another social effect was the behavior towards African-Americans by white people. Many African-Americans were able to achieve fame and money from jazz. Also in the jazz industry, discrimination was something that wasn’t the case, musicians weren't seen as equals to each other. The bad effects that got noticed were that even though African-Americans were achieving fame for their action, the majority of white people didn’t accept this. Another negative result that came from jazz is that even though Negros could obtain a better life white people had more benefits compared to blacks. It was that terrible to the point that white people exploited African-Americans even while they are dead. There was one case that where an employee of a record label created a memorial album to raise more money than to honor the artist's death. Jazz created as many negative consequences as positive