How Did Jhony Kill Ponyboy Persuasive Essay

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Bob is dead. Jonny has killed him. While Ponyboy was getting drowned by David, johnny was scared that the other “Socs” were going to start in on him. Why did Johnny kill Bob? Because he was scared! Why was he scared? Because he had been jumped by Bob before, hasn 't he, Ms./Mr (blank)? Let’s get one thing out the way. Johnny has killed Bob (I think we already established that). There is not anything to argue that because it happened. But what I can argue is the “Why?”. Ponyboy was getting drowned so he did not see anything. BUT, Cherry Valance has already testified that Bob was intoxicated and Johnny was using self-defense. We also know that these “Socs” constantly like to jump and/or beat up the “Greasers”. It is been confirmed that Johnny