How Did King Arthur Fight In Camelot

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It was the early 1300s on the last day of summer in Camelot. A severe, stubborn, storm had started and the clouds seemed to be falling in chunks. All of the Knights of the Round Table were inside the court that sheltered them. So was King Arthur.
“What an unusual way to end summer” he remarked.
“And unpleasant.” growled sir Lancelot, who despised rain.
“Back to the subject!” ordered King Arthur “how shall we be rid of this nasty mouse infestation which is upon our beloved Camelot?”
All the knights had plenty of ideas, but they chose to stick with one. It was to let loose an army of 400 cats inside Camelot. The rules were enforced that no one could kill or attempt to kill any of the cats.
The next day, the city was full of cats, and the earsplitting