How Did King Minotaur Compare And Contrast

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Theseus and the Minotaur:

The most important king of Crete was King Minos. King Minos ruled during the Minoan civilization, for whom the civilization was named after. Knossos was the ancient Minoan palace surrounding the city of Crete. King Minos united all of the cities of Knossos under one kingdom. He was the first ancient ruler to build a navy, and also be able to expand his kingdom. The kind of government the Minoan civilization had, was thalassocracy. Thalassocracy was power depending on maritime realms.

King Minos sends his navy to Athens in order to attack them. The king of Athens although, was frustrated and did not know what to do. Therefore, made a deal with the king of Crete, King Minos. The deal was that if Crete wouldn’t attack Athens for nine years, Athens would send seven girls and boys to Crete where they would be eaten by The Minotaur, a monstrous beast, confined in a labyrinth. The Minotaur was half bull, half human.

It is an interesting story on how the Minotaur came to be. A bull was sent as a gift from Poseidon to Minos in order to help support him in his struggle to becoming the ruler of Crete. However, Minos did not sacrifice the bull as supposed to, and instead, kept it. Poseidon was infuriated with him so as a punishment, Poseidon made …show more content…

Demigods can be the offspring of a god or goddess or can possess God like characteristics. Theseus was a demigod. He had two fathers, the king of Athens, Aegeus and the god of the sea, Poseidon. Therefore, Theseus was considered a demigod. He also possessed many god like characteristics. In particular, this myth about the courage, and bravery of Theseus, who sacrificed his life for the sake of his empire. He was courageous because he showed willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. Theseus volunteered to be chosen as the seventh athenian boy to go to Crete and be fed to the minotaur. He slayed the powerful minotaur and saved the faith of Athenian

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