
How Did Lorenzo Ghiberti Impact The Renaissance

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In the Renaissance, many artists took over the time and created masterpieces of art. Some unbelievable painters that we know today include, Sandro Botticelli, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Tiziano Vecellio (Titian).
First, Lorenzo, born in 1449 also known as ‘magnificent Lorenzo’, impacted many people of his time period. He was especially known as a florentine metal worker. Lorenzo Ghiberti won designs for painting and sculpting doors and domes for churches. His most acclaimed works were the bronze doors at the Florence Baptistery. Most of his sculpting and paintings took over 20 years to complete. Infact, his stunning pieces became well know after a long period of time.
Next, Michelangelo, an Italian painter born
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