How Did Martin Luther King Contribute To The Civil Rights Movement

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In a speech Martin Luther King Jr once said “I have a dream,” Martin Luther King Jr. Delivers the “I Have a Dream” Speech (August 28, 1963). He dreamt of a world where people would be judged for their character and not by the color of their skin. Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent leader in the Civil Rights Movement, he advocated for African Americans' rights through nonviolent protest and civil disobedience. the Civil Rights Movement (“Civil Rights Movement”). He is remembered for his everlasting impact on America and his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement. King and other activists played significant roles in the history of our country and the fight for equality. Although the Vietnam War, the women's rights movement, and the Cuban missile crisis were significant events of the 1960s, the Civil …show more content…

The women argued that under the U.S. The Constitution: Women and other minorities must be guaranteed equal liberties. The Civil Rights movement set the stage for the Women’s Rights movement by expanding their understanding of rights. Moreover, the Civil Rights movement set the legal framework for the women's rights movement through protests. As a result of the freedom riders being brutally beaten, President Roosevelt provided legal protection for the Civil Rights Movement. The severity of the situation made it clear that the civil rights movement needed legal protection provided federally ("The Struggle for Civil Rights"). The freedom riders were beaten so brutally that it could not be ignored, the brutality they faced allowed for protection orders to be implemented. The Civil Rights Movement paved the Women's Rights Movement by inspiring them to fight for their rights. The Civil Rights Movement stands out as the most successful movement in US history. The movement was able to succeed because of the overwhelming support it received from various