
How Did Martin Luther King Jr Use Peaceful Resistance

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I believe peaceful resistance to laws can positively impact a free society. There have been many incidents in the history of the United States where people have attempted peaceful resistance in an attempt to change the way they were being treated in society. Three examples of this would be Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and Muhammad Ali. These three iconic figures used their belief in peaceful protest to provoke a change in government. Although each of these historical incidents deemed a positive outcome, all three had an immediate negative response. Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama in December of 1955. The immediate response followed by this peaceful resistance, was the arrest of Ms. Parks. But as soon as the word got around to the civil rights leaders and followers, this would ignite the start of the historical bus boycotts. These bus boycotts would result in the integration of public transportation in all states. This positive change in society would not have been …show more content…

conducted a peaceful demonstration in the city of Birmingham, Alabama. King used his peaceful nonviolent campaign to trigger the opposer's true intention. He used peaceful protest to make the opposers bring the violence, and push these racists to their breaking point and use it as leverage against them for the benefit of the African American community. Again, the initial response to this demonstration was the arrest of Dr. King and many others that joined him in this demonstration. But there was a positive outcome to all of the peaceful demonstrations and the protests that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. conducted. One of which would be the civil rights act of 1964, which resulted in the constitutional right for african Americans to vote in the United States. This was a liberating moment in the history of African American citizens in the United States. It was a huge stepping stone for the society we now live

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