How Did Meso-American Society Influence The Aztec Way Of Life

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Ever wonder how Meso-American societies influenced the Aztec way of life? No. Is it a sham? Let me explain, because, in my opinion, yes, I think that Meso-American societies influenced the Aztec way of life. I have a few reasons why I think that, but at the same time, Meso-Americans haven't influenced the Aztec lifestyle. Let's see why. Tula is a Meso-American society that has influenced the Aztec way of life. They changed the Aztec beliefs and practices since now they believe in gods that could transform into different forms. For example, the jaguar (an earth goddess) and the serpent (a water goddess). This water goddess is linked to the city of Tula, which goes by the name of Quetzalcoatl. It is heavily written in myth. Another reason for