How Did Napoleon Affect The French Revolution

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Napoleonic Rule The late 1700’s was a time of great discontent in France. The people of France revolted against their government in an attempt to gain power in political decision making. In this time, France experienced many forms of governments as the people fought for change. It was during the 1790’s that Napoleon Bonaparte became known to the people as a strong military leader. Taking advantage of his rising popularity, Napoleon became the ruler of France and eventually the ruler of an empire. Napoleon Bonaparte had a positive impact on France and Europe due to the military, political and economic stability he restored to France, the laws he put in place, the reforms he introduced to the European countries he conquered and his improvement of the education system. After a time of uncertainty in France brought about by the French Revolution, Napoleon restored the stability of France through the military. France had experienced a time of military failure during the 1790’s when other European nations declared war on France. Napoleon emerged in this time as a skilled soldier and tactician. He led the French army to many victories from the time he became a commander, and later a general, in the army. These victories include wars in northern Italy and Egypt against the nations who declared …show more content…

The Napoleonic Code, introduced in 1804, United many reforms of the French Revolution in one body of laws. This code had a positive effect on society because it gave all citizens equal rights under law and also gave them the right to work in any occupation. In addition, religious toleration was strengthened and the abolishment of feudalism continued in France. The Napoleonic Code is considered to be one of Napoleon’s greatest accomplishments in his governing of France. The code recognized the demands and needs of the people, yet still continued to preserve Napoleon’s control and