How Did Napoleon Bonaparte Balance To Power

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The Congress of Vienna is a testament to the powers in Europe’s ability to fight against a lack of balance in power. As France was on its way to becoming a dominant European superpower; this fruitful domination branched from the relentless and power-hungry nature of Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte ripped Europe apart with the creation of the Napoleonic Wars. In the beggining Europe was able to fight back against Napoleon’s efforts to extend France’s power. Bonaparte’s early militarily conquests started with the conquering of Belgium, in which Austria and Britain attempted to fight to French army in the defense of Belgium. Napoleon later went on to conquer conquer Italy and Switzerland after forcing Austria out of the war with Italy against Napoleon. He attempted conquering the British, but was stopped by the British when admiral Horatio Nelson destroyed the French fleet at Aboukir, cutting of the French army from France. As the Second Coalition came to a head, Russia …show more content…

In the end the main points that were agreed with was the revival of the Holy Roman Empire, Austria’s gain of full control over northern Italy, the establishment of the Netherlands in the north, Genoa’s merge of Piedmont in the south, and Russia’s agreement to rule over a sector of Poland, while Prussia would settle for part of Saxony. Even though Spain had a few disagreements with the idea of the Italian settlement, the rest of the meeting European countries complied to the pact that the Final act of the Congress of Vienna entailed. This ability to work together and as a team agree while brushing off their sense of stubbornness, to the results of political boundaries made it so they lasted, with a few exceptions, for more than forty years. By using the power of compromise and focusing on peace, rather than solely getting exactly what they wanted, the powers of Europe were able to create a stable and viable European