How Did Peter Higgs Contribute To Physics

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Peter Higgs One does not truly know all the secrets of the universe there is mysterious yet to be discovered in this amazing universe. The god particle discovered by Peter Higgs is one of the great mysterious to this universe we live in today and the past. To truly understand more of how Peter Higgs brain had an understanding of the universe one must travel back in time to the beginning of his life. Understanding his life will not be just to understand his family life but also understand his journey through education and what made his mind expand to greater thinking about the universe. Furthermore, one should learn about what area of physics did Peter Higgs contributed to and how it contributed to science,society, and everyday life. what formulas and apparatuses did he use and how did he use them. Finally what is the relation between the physics he uses and teaches and the one one in students textbooks. …show more content…

Born on May, 29, 1929 in Newcastle upon Tyne which is part of the United Kingdom was Peter Higgs the child who would discover something great about how the universe works. According to “wikipedia” it is stated that peter higgs missed some of his early schooling do to fact that his father was an engineer for BBC so he had to travel constantly , Higgs childhood asthma, and world war 2 was to begin. Additionally, peter's father was relocated to Bedford one may think peter traveled with his father in reality this time it was not like he would stay in Bristol with his mother for the majority of his youth. While no longer traveling peter had the ability to attend school at Cotham Grammar School in bristol where he was inspired by one of the alumin at Cotham. When one wants to learn about a person's life he or she must learn about how the people closest to them contributed to their

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