How Did Plato Important Enough To Learn About Today

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Chris,Ben & Parker World History hour 1 Plato Who first comes to mind when hearing the word philosopher? Many people would say Plato but who really was Plato and what his life like so long ago? He was a teacher, a philosopher and writer. But what else did he do during his lifetime and why is he important enough to learn about today? Plato was born in Athens Greece during the year 428 b.c.. Ariston, Plato’s father and his mother Perictione were aristocrats. At a young age Plato’s father died. After many years his mother married his uncle Pyrilampes. He was a student of poetry and music as a young boy. He also served a brief time in the Peloponnesian War. He was taught by Socrates and was thinking of making a career in politics, but when