Effect Of The Prohibition Of Alcohol In The 1920's

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The prohibition of alcohol disrupted the way Americans were used to living. All of a sudden drinking was illegal. This was supported by some, and it irritated many. It opened up opportunities for organized crime to start manufacturing and distributing of liquor, while making millions of dollars along the way. This made police officers jobs more difficult because the people who wanted to drink had to do it illegally, and the cops were cracking down. This affected families because now people who wanted to drink had to do it illegally and many got put in jail if they got caught. It also had an effect on society with the growing numbers of people who were admitted into the alcohol wards of the hospitals. The Nationwide ban on the production and sale of alcohol during the roaring twenties had a profound effect on the manufacturers, distributors, law enforcement and the public. The Eighteenth Amendment indicates no purpose to confiscate liquors that are lawfully owned. The Amendment is operative throughout all tutorials limits (Decisions of U.S. 4). The Prohibition affected the relationship between Law …show more content…

It also had an effect on society with the growing numbers of people who were admitted into the alcohol wards of the hospitals. This affected families because now people who wanted to drink had to do it illegally and many got put in jail if they got caught. This made police officers jobs more difficult because the people who wanted to drink had to do it illegally, and the cops were cracking down. It opened up opportunities for organized crime to start manufacturing and distributing of liquor, while making millions of dollars along the way. All of a sudden drinking was illegal. This was supported by some, and it irritated many. The prohibition of alcohol disrupted the way Americans were used to