How Did Southernization Lead To Changes In East Asia And Islamic World

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1. How did "southernization" lead to changes in the East Asian, South Asian, and Islamic worlds?

Southernization lead to many changes in the East Asia, South Asia, and the Islamic world. First, in East Asia which many buddhism monestaries spread throughout because of the religious expanision, and also many new advancements in mathematics. Also in East Asia, sugar became the main crop, but they also had new varieties of rice, and inflicted a form of water control on mountain sides. Second, in South Asia, there became a sensation of which “India virtually clothed the world”. Cotton products and trade, as well as cotton textiles were an important market item, also there was a discovery or need for new sources of bullion. Also there became a senation for wanting to find new sources of gold, and gold became one of the main money providers for South Asia. Last, southerinzation also effect the Islamic world. For example, the spread of the production of sugar, cotton, and citrus fruit, as well as the market of imported enslaved africans as workers. Also in the Islamic world it caused many advances in algebra and trigonometry and science.

To what extent was southernization both a cause and a product of syncretism? …show more content…

It caused syncretism because ideas and customs as well as new inovations spread through trade and marketing supplications. Also southernization was a product of syncretism because it provided the spread of advancements in technology, agricaultural ideas and new techniques, as well as ideas of marketing items. This promoted cultural diffusion as well as syncretism to which why people developemed new idea of modern