Cultural Differences Between The North And The South

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For many years, I didn’t understand why two different places required two different social interactions. What is so complex for someone to say, “Good Morning”? Does individuals feel uncomfortable to say “Hello, Hi or Have nice day” to someone you may never meet again. I often speculated, do the folks in the southern states were more readily to greet people with you than the northern states on the east coast?

As a child growing up in Boston, my mother told me not to speak to strangers. But when I we went back “home” in North Carolina, I was told not to be rude and greet folks. This was very confusing, but I did what I was told. Moreover, even as a child I did take note that people in the north was very different from those in the south. For what it was, I accepted this social behavior as way of life for the people in the north and the south. rowing up, this often confused me. …show more content…

Why does two different regions have two different social greeting behavioral patterns. Was this the expected social behavior for persons in the north? Or was it expected social behavior for the folks in the south? Could this be a cultural difference between the north and south. Maybe it was the fast pace movement of city life versus the laidback society of the country life, who knows. Upon my research I examined several points of interest to make an