How Did Stalin Use Propaganda In Animal Farm

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The Stalinist era was one of the most atrocious eras in the history of the world. Josef Stalin controlled over 100 million people using devious methods. The satirical novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, clearly displays the methods used and gives the reader a brief summary of how it was like during Stalin’s rule and the revolution leading up to it. Josef Stalin and the government used violence in order to put fear into citizens, used bias information to benefit themselves known as propaganda, and lastly, used censorship in order to encompass information outside of the Soviet Union. Writing Animal Farm, George Orwell exposed and showed many problems with communism, and most importantly showed how it was controlled and the methods used in order …show more content…

The novel Animal Farm shows how it helped Stalin control the Soviet Union and how it was a good approach to keeping his control. Stalin’s first use of censorship was when he established the company named Glavit. Glavit’s job was “Enforcing limits on the printed word--- and all cultural and artistic expression,”(Ruud 6), which lead the Soviet Union into control of anything that was printed, such as books and newspapers, there of, creating control over what was learned and the education in the country. Animal Farm shows hints of censorship with Squealer, who represents the press. Squealer, having the ability to say anything, tells the animals many lies in order to get away with the treacherous things the pigs do. Also, Squealer censors information, like the success of the farm. Squealer tells the animals that the farm is doing better than how it was doing previously, even though that is not the case. Another way Josef Stalin gained control by using censorship was spreading false information about other countries that had similar power, so as “The Soviet Union used examples of American racism, it slowed U.S advances throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America,”(Neumann 3) it created tension between the United States and those countries, resulting in the Soviet Union having control over trade. This is conveyed in Animal Farm when the pigs spread false information about Snowball to the other farms to have a better relationship with each farm. This gave Animal Farm the ability to get certain materials from the other farms which ultimately, benefited the farm. This is how Animal Farm displays how Josef Stalin used censorship to have more