How Did The American Revolution Change During The Enlightenment

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“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in huge numbers and to the sound of trumpets,” Inquired Voltaire, one of many early philosophers that inspire and helped to promote new ideas. Early philosophers helped set the stage for enlightenment. These new ideas had people questioning the church and their rule. Imagine saying that every one in the world is wrong and you are rite, early philosophers went through this every day. The enlightenment is an intellectual movement emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition, and gave philosophers a chance to express new ideas. The enlightenment ideas began to spread to the Americas. Even though the ideas have slightly changed as they spread through long distances, both political and religious people were influenced. The new ideas of freedom and peoples rule helped form the Declaration of Independence. The concept of every one equal is a major change to what people have use to in the past; with that being said many agreed and embraced the new ideas that traveled over by boats. Equality is what builds a stronger government. The prior belief that higher-class citizens have control of the government was extremely wrong. …show more content…

At the time only the upper classes had a say in governments, the upper class treated the lower class very harsh and unfair. The majority of the enlightenment thinkers belonged to the lower class. With the majority of the population being lower class this system made no sense. Once people began to realize that the majority should have rule over the government they began to rebel and led to wars like the American Revolution and French Revolution. New governments evolved with time from these revolutions. The needs of the country were better met when all are controlled the