How Did The Beatles Develop

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The beginning of the formation of The Beatles began with John Lennon, it was in 1957 as a teenager that he started his first “Skiffle” inspired band back in Liverpool called The Quarrymen. The style of skiffle music was largely inspired because of the successful artist named Lonnie Donegan. He was the man that would use any type of item such as a washboard to make special musical sounds from them. It was a creative way of presenting a different sound to jazz, and country sound by incorporating the sound of items that people can get a hold of in their almost everyday lives. His music was a huge craze at that time and a lot of other artist such as John Lennon hopped on to that craze. Once the Skiffle music phase had passed, Lennon started to sway toward the Rock and Roll culture. He met …show more content…

It was pretty amazing that these guys were still only in high school when they all met, and later with a lot of development they would become the most famous band in the world. The Beatles did go through a lot of changes during their time in the band together such as, their name constantly changing. The band changed their name to Johnny and the Moondog, and that name was inspired because of a deejay on the radio by the name of Alan Freed calling himself Moondog. Then later changed their name to the Silver Beetles, and then finally changed it one last time to The Beatles. The band was always back and forth with their decision of their band name, but then again they were young kids starting out and were very indecisive of what they really wanted. In 1960, they added Stu Sutcliffe as their bassist, and Pete Best as their Drummer. In their journey of becoming a famous band, these guys really worked hard to put themselves out there by playing as many shows as possible. This really helped them give them the practice they needed to develop into amazing