
How Did The British Influence The Declaration Of American Independence

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The collapse of the British authority in the thirteen colonies couldn't be avoided. The revolution couldn’t have been avoided due to the distance and the fact that an island cannot rule a continent. The British made it worst by imposing unnecessary tax laws and not giving the colonies an opportunity to defend themselves in parliament. The British parliament ended up placing Navigation acts which regulated trade so Britain’s economy could would improve more. Acts like the sugar act were considered unfair towards the colonies, the sugar acts were an act passed by the British on April 5, 1764, which would impose a tax on sugar. There’s was also the stamp act which was another unfair tax which required payment for the transfer and of documents, when a person or politician payed for the documents, they would receive an official stamp on the documents. There were more unfair passed by the parliament which were unfair to the colonist like the Townsend acts, this act imposed taxes to increase revenue in the colonies to help pay governors and judges. Then there was also the first quartering act and second quartering act which forced colonist to …show more content…

His argument begins with theoretical reflections about government and religion, then continues onto the specifics of the colonial situation. The colonist even ended producing the declaration of independence. The Declaration of Independence was approved by Congress on July 4, 1776. And it was drafted by Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson used the Thomas Paine document called common sense as inspiration. The declaration of independence formalized the colonies, and specified the separation from Britain and laid out enlighten ideas like the natural rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" upon which the American Revolution was based

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