
How Did The Change In Out Of The Silent Planet

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In Out of the Silent Planet, the main characters, Ransom, Devine, and Weston, had several beliefs at the beginning of the book. What’s unusual is how some of their beliefs changed and some even significantly by the end of the book. Ransom, Devine, and Weston’s philosophies changed and stuck throughout the book and impacted the way they acted to others around them. Ransom, the philosophist , was forced to go to Malacandra by Weston and Devine (Lewis 14, 22). While on Malacandra, his philosophies were tested and changed. One of Ransoms greatest beliefs was that he was controlling his own destiny (Lewis 18). Ransom found that he was control his own destiny by being the boss of himself, having a less demanding job, and keeping family less important …show more content…

He believed in trusting Weston to take him to Malacandra because of the promises that Weston said Malacandra to be a planet of gold and a habitable planet for humans. What ended up happening was that in order to be able to take the gold or “Sun’s Blood” back to earth, he and Weston interpreted that they needed to bring another human back with them to give to the Sorns. But when they took Ransom to Malacandra to give to the Sorns, it ended up that Malacandra was much more complicated with species that they needed to find Ransom when he ran off. Even more, Devine’s trust in Weston was even farther changed by when Weston began to spout nonsense to Oyarsa to make peace but ended up making Oyarsa see that Weston was bent and himself broken. Other beliefs that Devine had was his greed. Devine had a large greed towards finding riches to bring pleasure to himself on earth. He even greedily went with Weston just to retrieve gold from Malacandra. Even though Ransom and Oyarsa tried to make Devine see that he was greedy, he couldn’t see and wouldn’t change. Devine’s beliefs stayed with him when he traveled to Malacandra but unlike Ransom, he didn’t learn his lesson and

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