How Did The Civil War Affect The South's Economy

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“A house divided against itself cannot stand -- I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free” (Riggs 1). In the 1850’s the North’s economy and the South’s economy were very different from each other. The North relied on industries and had no need for slavery. While the South mostly relied on agriculture and slavery. After many disagreements over slavery it led to the Civil War. The Civil War was one of the most devastating wars in American history. It was fought between the North and the South over Slavery. It impacted both the South and the North’s economy. Many people died trying to re-unite the country over slavery, “over 620,000 people died in the Civil War” (Riggs 2 ). This proved that the war not only affected the country and the economy; it also affected the people as well. Fortunately, in the end the Union won which the conflict of slavery was later resolved. However America was greatly impaired by the War. Following the Civil War, …show more content…

However, division over black civil and political rights remained” (Yancey 52 ). This demonstrates that after the Civil War, the U.S government passed the 13th Amendment, which ended Slavery. This proves that the Civil War was a positive turning point in American history. Furthermore the Civil War re-unified America reconstructed the ravaged South. President Abraham Lincoln started, “planning for the reconstruction of the South during the Civil War as Union soldiers occupied huge areas of the South. He wanted to bring the Nation back together as quickly as possible and in December 1863 he offered his plan for Reconstruction which required that the State's new constitutions prohibit slavery” (“Reconstruction” 1). This proves that after the South was destroyed. However, President Lincoln helped the reconstruction of the South but also required the prohibition of