How Did The Dust Bowl Affect People

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The Dust Bowl damaged and destroyed people’s, items, hopes, and even lives!
The Dust Bowl negatively affected people who lived there in a personal way. Crops, wildlife, hopes, and even lives were destroyed. Fathers and mothers could barely support their families. People could get dust on your face anytime, anywhere. Personal items would get destroyed just because of dust.
Crops, wildlife, hopes, and even lives were destroyed. “Many crops were damaged by deficient rainfall, high temperatures, and high winds, as well as insect infestations and dust storms that accompanied these conditions.("Drought in the Dust Bowl Years"). People were living off of their crops, and suddenly their crops were damaged and destroyed. “Although records focus on …show more content…

“The Dust Bowl was an epic of human pain and suffering – a crucible of dust, drought and Depression, when normally self-reliant fathers found themselves unable to provide for their families.” (Burns)People’s houses and crops weren’t just hurt, people had pain from the Dust Bowl. The fathers of the household couldn’t even support their families. “Even the most vigilant mothers were unable to stop the dirt that invaded their houses from killing their children by "dust pneumonia.” (Burns)People suffered from a disease called “dust pneumonia,” which was horrible. Mothers would have to try and keep them and their children away and healthy from it. Both the mother and the father of a household couldn’t provide for their families and could barely keep their kids safe and healthy. (Burns)A lot of the time people were suffering from this tragic time period, and a lot of people died from the Dust Bowl.
People could get dust on their face anytime, anywhere.
“The impact is like a shovelful of fine sand flung against the face.” ("The Dust Bowl") The sand that people would get in their face and houses was an enormous amount. The impact on them was very negative. “In the central and northern plains, dust was everywhere.”("The Dust Bowl")In those areas you would see sand everywhere. It affected people’s lives. Their was so much sand and dust everywhere, that it would harshly go on to people’s face. ("The Dust Bowl")Everywhere you looked

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